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    February 28, 2025


    Addicton, Unwanted Habits

          Addiction is really unwanted. Addicts lead miserable and risky lives. Miserable because of some financial problems that the addicts must inevitably cope. Addicts need substantial sum to maintain the habitual drugs that they have been hooked of. Their attitude to work is negative. They preferred to be idle and resort to the commission of petty crimes [theft, robbery, estafa, etc.] in their homes or in their neighborhood for immediate monetary results to buy the needed drugs. Addiction drives one to lead immoral life- prostitute, call girl, call boy, shoplifter, etc.

          They are unwanted in their homes for their presence means the "absence"[loss] of many things in the house- money, jewelries, furnitures, etc. They become irresponsible parents, spouses or children for their addiction made them remiss of their respective duties and responsibilities as parents, as husband or wife or as children. Their personal neglect to care, hygiene and grooming made them odorous and undesirable in the family. Worst, addicts may be committing crimes in the family- raping maids, raping children or raping sisters. They become the shame and scandal in the family.

          They are social outcasts. Society finds them problematic. They are looked upon as bad- influenced , breeders of crimes and carriers of the seeds of destruction. Often, "untimely death." Their lives are very risky in many aspects. . Risky of being caught as users or possessors of prohibited/regulated drugs or risky of being caught in the commission of crimes [i.e. theft, estafa, robbery, prostitution, etc.]. Worst, they are merchants of death. They are prone to kill to get the money to buy drugs or be killed instead in the process of committing undesirable crimes.

          Every addict is facing double risks: risk in obtaining financial resources to obtain and buy the needed drugs and the risks they are facing as after effects of using drugs[i.e., side effects, etc.]. Addicts are high risk to others: many feared of their being made victims of their addiction. Addicts are avoided, shunned and outcast and considered as the "modern lepers of our society. "Regrettably , Despite of the miserable lives lead by them and the risky lives that the are presently facing, addicts are still many in our midst and their number kept on multiplying daily.


    The Prone Group
    Who are those Prone To Addiction?

          The groups that are most likely addicted and easily succumbed to addictions are:

          (1) Those having troubled minds [nervous];
          (2) Those with psychotic personalities;
          (3) Those with mild bone misalignment at the back. And
          (4) Those suffering with severe stress and depression.

          Troubled Minds. Nervous or mental disorders may be grouped as follows:

          First, those suffering cranial injuries, defects and diseases such as the following:

          (1) Infections caused by meninges, meningitis, and other virus and bacterial infections, etc.
          (2) Cerebral subdural empymea [collection of "pus" between the dura and arachanoid of the brain];
          (3) Brain abscess.
          (4) Intracranial tumor and tumors of the skull;
          (5) Craniocerebral trauma or head injuries.
          (6) Intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral trombosis, aneurysms, etc.

          Second, developmental defects in the cranial cavity such as:

          (1) Congenital hydrocephalus [excess fluid in the head];
          (2) Spina bifida occulta;
          (3) Cranium bifidum;
          (4) Premature closure of cranial sutures;
          (5) Mental deficiency- i.e., cerebral palsy, oxephaly,
          (6) Mental deterioration- cerebromuscular degeneration,etc.

          Third, recurring diseases in the head such as sinusitis, epilepsy, headaches and migraine.

          Fourth, defects in the major sensory system like- eye defects, deafness, etc.

          Fifth, mentally retarded children [congenital] exemplified by:

          (1) Autistic children- i.e., those suffering from autism- state of mind characterized by daydreaming, hallucination and disregard of external realities.
          2) Mongoloid children ["Mongolism" or those suffering from Mongolian idiocy] ; this is termed recently as "Down's" syndrome;
          (3) Deaf mute; and
          (4) All forms of mental defects ranging from slow learner to serious cases -ie. feebleminded, insane, imbecile, lunatics, etc.

          Sixth, Those with neurotic problems and activities such as:
          (1) Chain smokers [ie. non-stopped smoking];
          (2) Alcoholics;
          (3) Drug addicts;
          (4) People contemplating suicide or those with suicidal tendencies; and
          (5) All those anxious, fussy people who are never satisfied with life.

          Seventh, those with neurotic personalities such as:
          (1) Queer people and exhibiting queer [beyond or below normal] behavior;
          (2) Anxious patients, suffering with anxieties of varying degrees;
          (3) People experiencing "nervous breakdown";
          (4) People suffering hypochondriac- pre-occupied with certain disease condition, either real or imaginary;
          (5) Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
          (6) Hysteria developing into hysterical blindness, vomiting, amnesia, etc
          (7) Problem drinkers [habitually alcoholics];
          (8) Drug addictions;
          (9) Depressed patients;
          (10) Mania-depressive people.
          (11) Involuntary melancholia [i.e., sensing danger he no longer eats, plays, etc.];
          (12) Shizophrenia or split mind [deminentia praecox] and may be: simple shizophrenia heoprenic, and catatonic.

    Bone Misalignment

          Troubled minds and addictions are caused by "incurable structural defects" in the body- the mild bone misalignment"[misalignment] causing lesion in the back [between the level of the spinal column and scapular bone] section of the body. For brevity and for referral, see the following topics of the other work of the author entitled: "Troubled Minds: Hereditary or Misalignment?" 1996 Edition pp. 193.

          (1) "Troubled [Unsound] Minds: Causal Patterns", p.173;
          (2) "Circumstances Leading to Causal Pattern", p. 173;
          (3) "Causal Patterns Have Wider Coverage", p. 173;
          (4) "Nervous Breakdown", p.174;
          (5) "Hearing, Sight, Feeling, Etc." pp. 174-175;
          (6) "On Addictions", p. 175
          (7) "Common Sense of the Causal Pattern", pp. 175-176;
          (8) "Troubled Minds: Predictable and Curable", pp. 190-193

          Stress On the subject of stress and for referral see the following chapters and topics of the author's work entitled: "Healing: As Spiritual [Divine] Gift",1996 Edition, particularly the following:

          (1) "Making Peace with Stress", Chapter 11, pp.83-84;
          (2) "Causes of Stress", pp. 84-85;
          (3) "Coping with Stress and Emotions", pp. 85-86;
          (4) "Stress, Its Antidotes", pp. 86-87;
           (5) "Coping with Stress: Its Program", pp. 87-89.
          (6) Chapter 12: "Peace of God [The Key to Inner Peace]", pp. 88-97.

          Praise the Lord!

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