The Spiritual Realm/ Dimension, Divided
Man is destined for a spiritual reward: the heavenly prize and be with his Creator and His angels and saints. To fulfill this spiritual objective the human salvation [ie., the history of human salvation]is planned, implemented and fully consummated by Jesus' death and suffering - "the paschal salvation through the cross." Thwarting the human salvation and the plan of God to man is the Evil One who wanted every man of every generation to belong to him and be condemned forever in Hell. This spiritual warfare and conflict has been waged continuously since the time of Adam and Eve and up to the present time. The first Satanic temptation in Eden resulted in the First Adam losing his "earthly crown" for eating the fruit of the "forbidden tree" [Gen. 3:1-20] thereby making the tempter the "prince of the world." But in the subsequent one-on-one temptation in the desert the Second Adam[Jesus] after fasting 40 days and 40 nights emerged victorious and the Kingdom of God is established [Matthew 4:1-11].
Every man is the object of this spiritual warfare. He has to choose between salvation and condemnation for he has full knowledge of the respective consequences in the spiritual world. His death ends his choice : his spirit is now separated from the material body and is now ready to enter the spiritual destination/dimension. What man has "temporarily chosen" on earth[ salvation or condemnation] is necessarily "confirmed forever" in the spiritual dimension.
The winning and qualifying actions and faith for life everlasting is done on earth during the lifetime of every man never thereafter or elsewhere. In the spiritual warfare, the rule is simple: "He who lives in sin belong to the devil."[John 3:8]. Jesus clarified His relationship with Satan: "I and the devil are not partners"[Luke 11:14-20; Mark 3:20-27; Matthew 22:22-29]. And " I do not want you to be partners with demons. You cannot drink from the Lord's cup and also from the cup of the demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's table and also at the table of the demons"[1 Corinthians 10:21-22]. He finally clarified: " If you are not with me, your are against me...."[Luke 11:23; Matthew 13:30].
Spirits [Divine/ good] or bad spirits cannot enter the worldly dimension unless they use or take worldly matters, human or otherwise. So in the spiritual warfare each opposing kingdom have their respective agents/representatives on earth.
God's continuous presence in this world is through the consecrated bread [Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist], His Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ and His true continuation and His extension. The members of His Holy Orders [From the Pope to the priests] and the members of His Church [i.e. laity, etc.] are His evangelizers, witnesses and exemplifying agents of His faith. The Holy Spirit guides His Church forever. The intercessory /exemplary actions of Virgin Mary,[ Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church and Mother of every one] and the saints in heaven strengthen the faith of His flocks/believers.
On the other hand, Satan , the "prince of the world" his "principalities" and demonic followers have also their agents/representatives of destruction and "untimely death" in this world. Their agents of destructions are the human beings practising idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft [i.e., "witch doctors" in Africa, voodooism in Latin America, "mangkukulam" in Luzon, "usikan" or "barangan" in Visayans and Mindanao] divination,etc . Their agents of "untimely death" are the abortionists, the hired assassins, the criminals, the troubled minds[ with violent tendencies], those with homicidal tendencies ,etc.
These people serve the Satanic purposes for they sow the seeds of dissensions, confusion, doubts of God, atheism, and destruction for causing untimely death to themselves and to other believers who may not be ready yet to face His Creator at the point of time.
To which side are the addicts?
Surely, they could not qualify as agents of faith[God] by any definition whether expanded or otherwise. Definitely, with no exception, they are agents of destruction working in the "devil's side." Addicts are devil's delight and favorites;hence, God's enemies-"If you are not with Me, you are against Me"[Lk.11:23].The saying "The friends of my enemies are also my enemies" finds appropriate to the addicts, the silent workers of the devil, destroying themselves and their neighbors, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Agents of Destructions
Addicts cast away their religion. They shun the Church. They belittle the sacraments. They do not confess their sins. They do not pray and carry any sacramentals needed for their spiritual protection and eventual salvation. They do not listen to parental/friendly and spiritual advices. Good advices are their adversary and their ears are entirely shut up for said advises. Corollary, they love lust and earthly matters. They are easy preys for demonic usage and become inevitably ,their agents of destructions and their merchants of "untimely death." In effect, demonization is not far from them. They are either prone to be demonized or they are already demonized due to their undesirable status: addicts of society.
The "mind" of man can be the source of good ideas and can be translated into good actions and performance. So they come from God. But on the other hand, they could also be the source of bad ideas and wrongful actions when implemented. That bad ideas come from Satan. That is why the Lord said: ""A good person draws things from the good in his heart, and an evil person draws evil things from the evil in his heart. For the mouth speaks from the fullness of the heart." [Luke 6:46-49].
Man's mind could be likened to a radio or tv station or internet computer . A good station program[radio,tv, internet computer] may be "jammed" or "ruptured" or "virused" anytime by any invading/encroaching station/computer using the same airline and the result is "confusion" and "total jamming or "destruction" of computer's programs.
The Addicts should note emphatically that the Evil One is also powerful that it was even capable of "jamming" the mind of St. Peter during Jesus' time. Accordingly, at one time St. Peter was praised by God for calling Him the "Messiah": "And you, he said to them, "who do you say that I am?" You are the Messiah", Simon Peter answered, "the Son of the Living God" Jesus replied: "Blest are you, Simon of John! No mere man has revealed this to you, but my Heavenly Father... "[ Matthew 16: 15-7].
But in another time, Jesus ministered deliverance on him: "Get out of my sight, you Satan!" for saying wrong ideas. Thus, "From then on Jesus [the Messiah] started to indicate to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly there at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be put to death, and raised up on the third day. At this, Peter took him aside and began to remonstrate with him. "May you be spared, Master! God forbid that any such thing ever happen to you!" Jesus turned on Peter and said, "Get out of my sight, you satan! You are trying to make me trip and fall. You are not judging by God's standard but by man's" [Matthew 16:21-23].
Comparatively, the spiritual mind of St. Peter was better than any of the minds of any living addict yet the Evil One was capable of "using it" for his "purpose" at that time. If St. Peter's mind could not resist the "jamming" , how much more for the addicts of today? Satan could make addicts his agents/merchants of destruction and perpetrators of "untimely death" by commanding them [addicts] anytime, any place to do some substantial destructions to their own lives or that of their neighbors. They could be minor things like teasing, green jokes, sexual harrassment or causing some stress to some distress[depressed] people who could not cope up with it. On the other hand, Satan is also capable to command the addicts to maine, kill, rape, steal and rob people. The bizarre killing and murders, incestuous rapes and other heinous crimes are committed by some addicts of our society and the dailies are enumerating their ever -unending unwanted and demonic activities. Illustrative of this is the case of Charles Manson -i.e.,Tate La Blanca case in 1971 perpetrated by Charles Manson] who wielded power over his followers that he was able to programme them to kill with savage bestiality, feeling not a vistage of remorse. Incidentally, drugs were one of Monson's weapons in the programming of his followers. Thus, "Drugs were one of Manson's weapons. Newly -comers to the group were initiated an LSD "trip"... Open and group sex was a more potent influence in conditioning them. Manson "had a talent for sensing and capitalizing on person's hang-ups and/or desires." By breaking down his "Family"s inherent middle-class morality, he led them to abandon all the other rules of civilized society. Charles Manson himself was totally amoral- "Death to Charles was no more important than eating an ice-cream cone." He was opposed to killing animals, but not to people. When Watson was brought to trial later on, he admitted that he thought of the victims as "just blobs". Manson's influenced was almost totally hypnotic. he represented God to his "slave girls" and although he never said in so many words that he was Christ come down to earth a second time, he implied it, pronouncing his surname as "Man Son" and convincing his "Family" that he had divine powers. At the end of the long-drawn out trial, Manson and the three girls were found guilty and sentenced to die in the gas chamber at San Quentin. The man convicted of the Hinman murder, Bobby Veasuoseil was also sentenced to death. So was Charles Manson, for his part in the Tate-La Bianca killings. How- ever, all were saved from execution when the death penalty was abolished in California, USA on February 18, 1972 [THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE AND DEATH, p. 130]."
Hopefully, the Biblical "lesson" of St. Peter[i.e., "jamming" his mind] and the illustrative bizarre case of Charles Monson may deter the present/would-be-addicts in furtherance of their activities and in lieu thereof, to look for their Creator for their salvation and conversion which is the spiritual antidote to addiction.
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