Which will insure man's survival in this world: God given natural healing or the drugs and "genetic engineering" of science?
This is a very serious issue of our time. It is a conflict of interest. Not being in the medical group the author prefers emphasis on the natural gift of healing [lymphatic/immunologic system] being God's gift to every man. The advent of HIV- AIDS [Human immunodeficiency Virus-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] which affected [wrongly/rightly] the immune system is the best argument why natural healing is important to man for his induced encounter" known medically, "immunization". Whether there is medical immunization or not, an immunity is always produced to avoid any recurrence of the same diseases/infection in the near future.
The natural law of immunity has equivalent in the man-made-laws- "double jeopardy" in criminal cases and "res judicata" in civil cases." However, by way of exception to this immunity rule, some few special people [misaligned] are suffering from recurring diseases. Although these special people are capable of curing specific diseases at a given period they cannot produce the needed antibodies[immunity] in certain parts of their bodies due to bodily mild misalignment. In view of this, these special people suffer recurrence of some diseases until they die and are wrongly diagnosed to have no immunity at all when the actual problem is this- their immune system because of "lesion" [i.e.,restrictive /obstructive passage] committed an error- it cannot produce anti-bodies for future "immunity."
Moreover, this defect [misalignment] may make a person vulnerable to outside factors- climatic/weather/gravitational conditions; that is, his misaligned parts may affect and restrict the passage of the circulatory/immune system due to said conditions. Restrictions result in lesion and lesion produces diseases, errors, malfunctioning and dysfunctioning of body parts, thereby confirming this Misalignment Theory:
No Misalignment, No Disease.
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