Misalignment simplifies medical/scientific experiments [i.e. starting with cadaver(corpse) and living human being thereafter].The exactness of the misaligned parts calls for direct testing of man. It may be recalled that the world condemned Adolf Hitler for making men, especially the Jews, "the Guinea pigs" of their scientific researches. It was considered wrong, bestial and inhumane at that time, but seemingly correct procedure in this time. This is so, because the exact location of the misalignment and the affected vessels/capillaries of the circulatory/lymphatic system of man have no counterparts in the other lower animals- i.e., mice, monkeys, etc. The genetic [or DNA] rule is simple: man for man, monkey for monkey, etc. In the pharmaceutical world, the lymphatic system is the best tester [antibodies] for dangerous drugs/foods for human beings. Take these examples: tobacco weakens and kills leeches but "disinfectant"[i.e. burning oil with tobacco] and "stimulant" to man; alcohol both stimulant and disinfectant to man ; garlic kills and weakens snakes and vipers, but has some culinary and medicinal values for man. The list may go ad infinitum.
The "off" and "on" of the recurring diseases such as migraine, sinusitis, asthma, allergy, acidity, etc. have this theoretical explanation: the mild bone misalignment occasionally causes partial blockade or obstruction of the circulating system [ie., bottleneck, flattening and twisting effects of the blood/lymphatic vessels] thereby producing "error" in body functions [i.e. phlegms in gas exchanges] or the recurring/incurable diseases. This partial blockade is often times augmented or aggravated by weather, gravitational, lunar disturbances and food intakes.
This phenomenal situation confirms misalignment theory hampering the passage of the two systems.
If Misalignment theory will be studied by the men of science, man should be studied first, not other substitute/s. Definitely, no one can realign the misaligned body parts of man through realigning monkey's body parts.
As basic reminder: Man is created and procreated, not accidentally evolved. God, His author has well-designed him in His own likeness [Gen. 1:26] and well-planned for specific pre-destination- hell/heaven. Accordingly, any misalignment of his aligned parts causes disease. On the other hand, his misalignment with God, His Creator causes necessarily his damnation.
Praise God!
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