The Health Department of U.S.A.,as well as the Philippines, was officially requested to test the theory and the revelatory information acquired during divine healing. Dr. Rene Bullercer ,Director of Free AIDS Philippines has likewise been orally and specifically requested for testing this misalignment theory . No concrete action. Incidentally,some advocates to prevent the spread of HIV-AIDS have advocated for the teaching of HIV-AIDS in schools. This is dangerous. Education has two faces: True and False education.
What matters should be taught? To use condom or not to use it? Is it dangerous to everyone? Is it really incurable?
Disregarding false education in favor of true education,Divine healing suggests these teachable matters and topics-Misalignment causes all diseases [AIDS, Cancer,etc.] because the natural healing [lymphatic system] has been restricted/hampered totally or partially in its normal functions. Misalignment, causal patterns for all diseases is caused by the absence of love, false pride and ignorance of the effects of misalignment; and that misalignment is preventable by good child care and mothering on this basic theory: no misalignment, no disease.
SCIENCE WITHOUT GOD IS NOTHING. God has shown that this "world's wisdom is foolishness!" [ 1 Corinthians 1:20]." I will destroy the wisdom of the wise" and "set aside the wisdom of the scholars" [1 Corinthians 1:19]. "Man's genius is no match to God's folly", for "what seems to be God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom and what seems to be God's weakness is stronger than human strength" [1 Corinthians, 1:25]. The discerned "misalignment" in the inside of man has a purpose. With His undying love for mankind He wanted each man to have a better and comfortable life [cf. Matthew 11:28]during his earthly sojourn. The misaligned who are likely to suffer diseases must be given proper treatment and assistance,divinely and humanely. This Biblical message given to the Author in one of his Bible-cutting sessions must have some relevance:
"What gives life is God' spirit;
man's power is of no use at all.
"The words I have spoken to you bring God's life giving Spirit
Yet some of you do not believe" [John 6:63-64].
Truly, science and religion are "inseparable" with religion ,however, enjoying the primacy. True cause of any disease in science is the same in religion because God is both the author of science and medicine [Sirach 38: 4]. Man is nothing without God.
But God loves everyone, including those who do not believe Him now, waiting for "any change of heart", someday. So there is necessity to humanize the misalignment discerned and revealed during the Divine healing, because once humanize and normalize, the men of science do not require their patients to undergo "spiritual cleansing" or "charismatic processing." In contrast, Charismatic healers require [as sine qua non condition] the sacraments of reconciliation [i.e., confession, communion]to Catholics seeking divine healing under this basic rule:
his observed rule by the Healing Ministry of the Catholic Charismatic throughout the Philippines limits the extension and coverage of the Divine healing. Moreover, Divine healing is always subject to God's choice [ John 15:16] and His healing time [Always in God's time].
Humanization and normalization of the treatment of this misalignment theory, by the men of science, is imperative to expand the treatment coverage to non-Catholics and to non-believers of Christ, the Divine and real Author of man. Through this"Misalignment theory" of the Divine Healing, science would no longer be wasting time and financial resources to find the causes of cancer, HIV-AIDS and other diseases through the descendants of Magellan or that of Columbus [genetic theory]because by just examining the ARMPIT or GROIN and OTHER MISALIGNMENT of every living person on earth, the diseases that he is suffering or being prone to suffer in the years to come, are already detected and predicted. This is so because cancer, HIV-AIDS and other diseases are not genetic [hereditary] but are either erroneous cells or being the result of a total/partial blockage of the system's passage that eventually, developed circulatory/immunological problems/errors in the affected area/s.
Let's accept God's way of treatment!
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