The natural healing of man is the special gift of God to man. No man is born without it. It is important for his exclusive existence, survival and procreation. This, however, is not man's monopoly for God in His wisdom gives this to every form of living creature in the universe. In the Wisdom of Solomon: "God did not invent death; and when living creature die, it gives Him no pleasure. He created everything so that it might continue to exist, and everything He created is wholesome and good" [Solomon I:13-14]. In Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first created man and woman. They were the first parents of mankind being the father and mother of Cain, Abel and Seth [Genesis 4:1-15; Genesis 5:1-6]. Adam who died at the age of 930 years had also many "unnamed children" [Genesis 5:4-5]. Other races came after the Great Deluge [Flood], coming from the sons of Noah- Shem, Ham and Japhet and from them the whole earth was peopled [Genesis 9:1;7;18].
Man from the first Adam down to the present generation is the product of one Author-One and True God. This is so because all mankind irrespective of color and race show fundamental "uniformity" ,"oneness", and "likeness" [i.e.,the basic physical features, structures and organs in every man is inherently identical with that of Adam and in Christ, the second Adam]. Natural healing is the first healing gift of God and with this gift, every man is not only capable of procreating but also being assured of his own survival and existence from bodily harm and from all forms of diseases and infections. With this first healing gift, God could never be the source and giver of diseases. God could never be the author of any defective/abnormal people as erroneously imputed to Him, every time we say "that diseases and abnormalities are hereditary", because the natural healing [God's gift] of every man is the body's defense, the protective mechanism of man against diseases and injury and the natural capacity of man to cure and replace bodily damage/defect without error and errancy. Scientifically, the body's defense [natural healing]has been called according to their specific functions as "lymphoid system", "immunologic system", "phagocytic system", "lymphatic system", etc.
God as the Great Healer and Author of Man is manifesting His presence in every man in every generation in two ways:
implemented and procreated to every generation.
FIRST, through His first gift of love to mankind- the natural healing [immune system] of every man, His likeness [Gen.1: 26]is protected,
SECOND, through His second [pentecostal] gift of healing - as one of the nine (9) Gifts of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 12:1-11] to whomsoever converts through His earthly instruments
The first gift of healing is for man's survival, existence and procreation. The second gift of healing from the Holy Spirit is for man's conversion- That Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Loving God that heals His people who believe in Him.
Because of the first gift, no healing can by-pass the exclusive natural healing of man. No normal/medical/ paranormal/supernatural healing can replace it. Normal/ paranormal /divine healing may aid the natural healing of man in its normal and natural functions as long as his immune /lymphatic system is capable to receive such assistance and/or intervention.
Without fear of contradiction, man can survive without drugs and without medicine invented by the men of science for the natural healing of every man will make his own body the "laboratory" of all medical treatment [producing antibodies] needed to combat all invading micro-organism/injuries and to manufacture the needed replacement cells for his damaged parts.
Finally, and this is missing in all medical and scientific books that the immune system of every man is the keeper, protector, implementer and procreator of God's blueprint- "God's likeness in every man" [Gen. 1:26]. Any violation to this "genetic blueprint" produces cancer and Misalignment theory, contrasting scientific theory [genetic] consider cancer to be "anti-genetic" being an immunological error.
God is Great!
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