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          So much time, so much money and so much lives being wasted in search of the causes of cancer, HIV-AIDS and several syndromes of our times.

          Several guessworks and theories are being floated scientifically in the medical books for possible causes. Little and minimal successes been published in the dailies and medical journals. But their successes being cut- short because insurmountable exceptions being discovered belittling their initial discoveries and their guiding theories.

          Take one scientific direction/guesswork by way of example: smoking as the scientific guesswork for the primary cause for throat and lung cancer among smokers. When men of science tagged smoking as the cause of cancer and to stop cancer caused by smoking, several legislations are being passed: punished smoking in public places; warning label being printed; banning advertisement; no smoking signs being printed and pasted in walls; higher taxes for cigarettes;suing tabacco for reimbursement of medical cost and services, etc. Unfortunately, lung and throat cancer did not stop. The propriety of the smoking theory was questionably challenged, because many non-smokers got lung and throat cancer, outnumbering the smokers. Science instead of debunking the theory made unjustifiable unscientific theory- passive[second hand] smoking. This time, science has considered that smoke is more dangerous than smoking. This is highly preposterous since when the smoke of the smoker carrying carbon dioxide/monoxide enters respiratory system of others? Gas exchanges in the human body does not permit it, biologically. God, Creator of man with His Genesis 2:7, revoked it- for only oxygen participates in the gas exchanges.

          Theory, coming from science or from other sources other than from God, can be source of false education. It happens to science's Darwin theory which is debunked by DNA, fertilization, cloning cases and cancer cases. And now, another unscientific theory is in the making- "the passive smoking." theory.

          Since science is not immune from errors, Misalignment theory of the Divine Healing is the acid test for their theories.

          Initially, men of science should not fear Misalignment theory. It is a gift to them from God. Misalignment theory will help them determine whether their theories are aligned or misaligned with God's science. In the spiritual and material world ,there is only one science, coming from one Author who cannot be wrong. Science could not reverse the rule that their own science is the science of God. If the "science" of the scientists conforms with the science of God, definitely ,no error may result and no false education to propagate. But if the science of men is not aligned or its science runs counter with God's science, then the science of men is wrong- going "unscientific" and this is false education- misleading many. When science misleads on the pretext that their science could not be wrong-, funds are wasted, lives are lost, freedom are prejudiced and "suckers" are sucking other's money.

          Misalignment theory should not be feared by the men of science. It has two faces: it will strengthen their scientific theories [i.e., cholesterol theory, dietary theory, herbal theory, genetic theory, second hand smoking theory etc.]if scientifically correct or the Misalignment theory may serve as the antithesis to their theories, acting as debunking theory, exposing their falsities.

          The Misalignment theory should not be feared because as antithesis it may help them decide whether to continue the direction of their theories- OUTSIDE OF MAN causing diseases or to discontinue them and adopt instead the Misalignment theory- defect of the Inside of man causing diseases.

          Finally, Misalignment theory is money and time saver.

          Should the long-time research on the outside of man be further funded with public and private funds in search of diseases?

          Or should the research be funded in the new direction- the study of misalignment as inner defect of man? Study of outside of man has long been studied and funded and no improvement for science has admitted the existence of many incurable diseases and several syndromes in our midst. Inner of man and the misalignment theory, have never been studied and funded by any governmental or non-governmental research. One [outside of man] has already the admitted failure after long research ,studies and high fundings. The other has hope to cling on. Outside of man is misdirected. Inside of man is divinely guided. There is hope in the study of inner man and his misalignment and the men of science deserve another chance, new funding, governmental or non-governmental to this direction.

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