Divine healing being a gift of the Holy Spirit, no man can duplicate and compete it. Instruments are chosen by Him [John 15:16] to continue His healing mentioned in the New Testament.
Since the same God is for every generation, He has shown the way of healing. He has pointed the cause/s of sickness. In humanizing the spiritual [realigning touch of faith] healing in the cure of cancer and all diseases, what should be the best conventional humanizing therapy? The best humanizing and the model therapy [therapeutic procedure] would be the following:
First, it must be simple that any man of science can generally use, do and apply it. In other words, specialization should be ruled out in favor of generalization.
Second, it must not be risky to human life; hence, it must not have any side-effects and above all, it must rule out any fatal complications.
Third, lesser cost and affordable to all so that all sufferers can avail with it with ease and no financial difficulty.
Fourth, effective, convenient and permanent complete healing with minimal healing/curative period.
Everyone hopes for this kind of therapy. And this should be the proper and appropriate course to be taken by our medical world. However, Is this the direction of our conventional and orthodox medicine nowadays? No.
In the medical world and conventional medicine [orthodox, normal,etc.] the men of science are experimenting therapeutic procedures that are effective, less risky to life but productive in term of monetary returns for the persons administering them. Similarly, the pharmaceutical world is also aiming for an effective drugs, less risky, less side-effects but also productive in terms of monetary returns and profits for the producers and manufacturers of drugs.
Technological world participated in this race for an effective diagnostic machines and equipment with time-consuming results but always for better returns and profits for the manufacturers and inventors. In effect, the race for better therapies and diagnostic techniques did not only result in complicated and sophisticted laboratory and clinical equipment but also high breed of medical computers/diagnostic machines. However, there is always a price for everything. We are now to pay the adverse consequencies of such modern and technological advancement.
(1) Specialization is the rule in the medical world nowadays edging all general practitioners in the process.
(2) High cost of testing and treatment to recover the acquisitive cost of the medical apparatus now in operation.
(3) High-tech therapeutic procedures need some special places; hence, private clinics being ruled out in favor of hospitals, the latter being edged out by special centers, such as the Heart Center the Kidney Center, the Makati Medical Center, etc. All these adverse effects meant one thing: staying healthy presently is a rare commodity of the rich, the socially/financially affluent.
Worst, it develops a wrong attitude and misdirected hopes for many- that man's survival is now measured by the kind of apparatus being used and the quality of medicine being administered. Is this a correct attitude or hope that must be given full support? No. Man is treading a dangerous path. His hope for survival is misdirected and wrongly oriented because all these modern medication and apparatus are rendered totally useless unless perhaps man's natural healing process readily accepts them.
Correctly charting man's hopes, the emphasis should be on the natural healing of each man as the first gift of the Lord by preserving and making it efficient and workable for what is being intended for, naturally, by the Divine Healer and Provider.
Loving, protecting and preserving man's natural healing process are courses of actions comformable to God's will. Man does not need good medicine and good apparatus if his natural healing is effective workable and freely functional.
The effects of the dreaded AIDS and Cancer is the best argument of the importance of this natural healing.
Accordingly, the men of science should work for the maintenance of an efficient and workable natural healing. They should preserve it not destroy it. They should conform to its function, not fight or restrict their destructive ,fighting and protective power.
Finally, natural healing of man is irreplaceable by any mendcine and by any sophisticated apparatus.
We thank and Praise the Lord for this natural gift.
Let's accept God's way of treatment! Because by accepting MISALIGNMENT as the cause and the simple cure-corrective REALIGNMENT- as the best cure is wisdom.
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