Had the herein proponent of this "Misalignment theory" adhered and conformed to the "Born-Again", the TV "evangelizers" and the "Charismatic healers" availing the orthodox " lay hands" and "prayer over for the sick" for God, after all, directly heals, he would not be at odd or in confrontation with the medical, scientific, political, religious and media men of our time. His brothers and sisters in Christ would fully understand him. Conformity seems to be rule in this world, nowadays.
To the eyes of the world, his humble healing books and his TV Show [Channel 9, RPN, Cebu City, Every Sunday, 2:00-2:30 P.M. "Realigning Touch of Faith ] introducing the phenomenon of Misalignment theory has a clear meaning: MADNESS.
But madness is one of the normal state
of a true Christian. That is why the herein author/proponent willingly
agreed to become one of the "fools for the sake of Christ" [1 Cor. 4, 10]
in order to uplift the health and the lives of the least of his brethrens
suffering not only from the high medical cost but also the high-risk of
recent experimental therapies [i.e., chemotherapy in cancer cases]. It
started when this proponent pointed the causal patterns of the several
diseases, unknown to science, under his revolutionary theory- the
"Misalignment Theory" [No Misalignment, No Disease. Less Misalignment, less
Misalignment. Many misalignment, manyDiseases]. Someday this misalignment
test may disqualify one in marriage, employment, and in the civil,
political, elective and military services.
But who is this proponent/author bold enough [or stupid?] to tell this? The proponent/author is hesitant to tell the world about the danger of false education, due to numerical disparity: one versus all. But he has proof and the truth: the accurate area of misalignment in the misaligned person and the favorable/successfull result of the mass healing by mere touch or command for realignment in Jesus name[Romans 10:13]. They are his best evidence of this theory.
If this were not true, then why God heals miraculously the prayed for believers in the presence of many witnesses by his Realigning Touch of Faith?
If healing were solely his, the herein author would not write and made this revelatory matters for the world to know for this would be a good "trade secret." This is a source of money and the more the world does not know [i.e., the cause and the mode of healing], the richer the proponent would be. But what is God is to God, and what is to Caesar is to Caesar. God gives good ideas and creativity to every man because every man is of His own likeness. Good works are reflective of God's creativity instilled in the mind of His chosen few working conformably to His will. For every good ideas/invention, technological, medical, legal or otherwise, contributed to this world, it has always the guiding and influencing Mind and Will of the Holy Spirit because man is nothing without God. For bad ideas/inventions and works, they got them from His enemy- the evil one.
Herein proponent /author can claim the MISALIGNMENT THEORY as reflected in his copyrighted books as part of his creativity with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But healing is not his. God gives, God takes. Arrogation and pride are both loathsome to God, our Creator, our Greatest Healer and our Personal Savior.
God saves but He cannot save the man who refuses to be saved. God as author of Man and of science gives this revelatory information: No misalignment, No disease, But cannot force science to accept His revelatory information.
Only man knows his Creator. As such, man is capable of either denying Him or glorifying Him. God gives, and it is for science to take it or leave it..
Man is the only procreated creature that can refuse His truth, His way, His healing gift and His salvation. Men of science should decide now for any delay spell the difference of the number of lives being lost and the number of lives being saved. Hopefully, the millennium starts with the unconditional acceptance of science of this revolutionary and controversial "Misalignment theory", coming froman unsuspected source- a lawyer in the service of God.
Glory to God!
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