Men of science attempted to reduce the Word of God into a fiction. To fictionalize the context of the Holy Bible relative to God's creation of the vast universe and of man, some men of science came out with a counter-theory of evolution: universe being formed due to a cosmic explosion [i.e., The "Big Bang" theory] and that men descended from the apes to belittle the Adamic origin of man.- "He is the Lord of creation; that He created man to their likeness" [ Genesis 1:1-13].
Science disproving that man's first ancestors were Adam and Eve and that Adam was the visualization of the Unseen God, started searching for the "missing link of man", his first ancestor, his first "life." It was a gigantic and expensive venture financed by governmental and no-governmental sectors. Darwin and his adherents[ de Lamarc, etc.] being their guiding theorists. They failed and naturally, the expenses gone with the wind for nothing. Presently, another venture is in the offing: men of science are proving that the "ancestor of the birds" today, was the dinosaur of the Jurassic Age. Another expenses for naught, supporting the Godless science.
If men of science would accept this simple explanation- That God created many things; some for extinction; some for procreation; that fossils remains of extinct matters have no relevance with the procreated matters- no time and money would have been wasted exploring and researching the "missing link" [ancestors] of every living things.
The historical age of the universe, or specifically the Earth is calculated to be so many billion -trillion years and the biblical six-day creation should never confuse mankind. There are two times. One, the historical time of man and God's time- God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God loves simplicity. Since the simple writer of the Genesis was incapable of counting billion-trillion years, God has to simplify His Creation to six(6)days, but actually billion-trillion years in the making. For such long years of creation God finally rested on Sabbath day. Explaining the two times, Peter said:
"This point must not be overlooked, dear friends. In the Lord's eyes, one day is as a
thousand years and a thousand years are as a day." [2 Peter 3:8, The New American Bible].
The biblical basis of man's creation- in God's likeness- is supported and fashioned, scientifically and biologically by the lymphatic system; hence, for any cellular reproduction by way of reparative process [pathologic regeneration] of the lymphatic system, it is subject to the genetic code. Any erratic cell in the human body is automatically destroyed by the same system for not being conformable to the genetic code. The theory of evolution of Darwin and his adherents necessarily defies the "genetic code" to bring about some structural changes in the human body to justify the theorized "evolution" [from ape to man]. This is unthinkable because presently ,science admitted that cells defying the genetic code are cancerous cells and have to be destroyed by the same system.
God gives us life. God protects our lives from all possible harms and injuries coming from other men or from his environment. God protects that life by providing every man the natural gift of healing[ immunological/lymphatic/phagocytic system].
More importantly, every man has the primary obligation to protect his own body: "The living organism is God's property." It belongs to Him by creation and redemption and by a misuse of any part of this body or powers, we rob God of the honor due Him. God is the owner of the whole man, soul and body and spirit are His. God gave His only begotten Son for the body as well as the soul and our entire life belong to God, to be consecrated, to His service, that through the exercise of every faculty He has given, man may glorify Him.
To date, science is still looking for the "missing link" of man and for the "missing link" of the birds .Eventually, even with massive spending and equipment, they would not succeed because God's procreation [i.e., through eggs, cells, and seeds are protected by the immune system or its equivalent to other animals and plants] is the correct direction and the evolution theory of science is the wrong direction.
The connecting "link of man" to God's likeness which is the lymphatic[immune] system is not missing because every man has it. What is missing in the medical and scientific books is this: the immune system is the keeper, bearer, implementer and procreator of God's likeness. This is the "connecting link" of man which science fails to discover after several years of constant research and expenditures and through Divine Healing and its Misalignment theory, the same is discovered so that men of science can cope the cancer problem of our time , dominantly, erroneous replacement cells of a particular misaligned person which are anti-genetic and immunological error. Unfortunately, for science their direction is just the opposite: that some cancer is "genetic" and others being caused by outside factors- smoking, drinking, pollution, food, etc.
Science errs.
God is perfect!
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