Science says HIV is dangerous and anyone can be the next victim with no hope of curability. Because of this scientific and preventive warning, global fear grips every people of the world. Is the scientific preventive warning fair and true?
The scientific warning can neither be fair nor true because it is premised on the admitted lack of knowledge and certitude: do not know the cause, do not know the cure. A similar and consistent admission by science on cancer/syndrome cases.
This admission is coupled with the misapplication and mis-understanding of the lymphatic [immune] system that lead them to believe that diseases are incurable, recurrent and heritable. Worsen further by the belief that the system can be destroyed and rendered inutile by HIV-AIDS. The devil is really a master of deception. The seed of confusion is in science. The "good condition" of the lymphatic system misleads the men of science to use genetic theory to solve cancer cases instead of the "defective/restricted passage" of a good immune system . The presence of virus [HIV] in the system, made them conclude that it weakens the system and renders the system non-workable/functional.
Misalignment theory of the divine healing is otherwise. The lymphatic [immune system] is God's first gift to man. It carries the master plan and specification of "His likeness" [Gen. 1:26]. It aims for man's existence, survival and procreation. It is God's gift and being such it is therefore, INDESTRUCTIBLE, INCURABLE, as well as IRREPLACEABLE. Without it, no man can be born, can exist, survive and transmit his 'gene" to another generation.
God's gift is indestructible, incurable and irreplaceable so no virus can destroy it and no one should venture to cure the system because it is "cure itself." The indestructibility of this system is bolstered by one fact: that a healthy child in God's likeness can still be born from a mother with HIV-AIDS. The birth of a child is biologically an impossibility if it were true that the immune system of man has been destroyed by that unknown HIV, as originally thought of by the men of science. Is the HIV-AIDS in the immune system really dangerous?
NO. How could this "virus" be scientifically dangerous to the immune system when it dies when it is exposed to the air and sunlight? How could this "virus" be dangerous when it dies with the use of soap and other detergents? How could this "virus" be dangerous when it can stay freely and without effect in the immune system of the HIV carriers for several years? How could it be dangerous when no one ever dies of "HIV" because admittedly, the HIV-AIDS sufferers die with other virus and other infections? Ergo, it is the other "virus" that is dangerous, not the HIV.
These phenomena deserve scientific review of HIV-AIDS programs of every government of the world so that proper global approach and warning be given to the peoples of the world. As previously discussed in the several topics and in the incoming topics , recurrent and incurable diseases of our time are caused by specific and identified misalignment and HIV-AIDS [misaligned armpits/groins] is no exception to that rule.
During charismatic healing the author/proponent has also observed that he met several children and adults suffering with unknown pain in the body and once the armpit and/or groins are miraculously realigned in Jesus Name they are instantly healed.
God is Great!
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