The emergence of "secondhand smoke" theory or "passive smoking" is the most "unscientific" theory ever- conceived by the men of science because that would run counter to the natural order of things or the primary purpose of the lymphatic [immunity] system of every man. It is unscientific as that of the Darwinian "evolutionary" theory- that man came from the ape. Discovery of the genetic code [DNA] ended the Darwinian theory. Yet Darwinian theory for years misled many men of science and likewise misled many believers to doubt the existence of God and His authorship of man [Gen. 1:26] and of the universe [Gen. :1-28; Job 9:5-10; Ps. 148-1-13; Is. 42:5; Luke 21:27]. Nowadays, the "genetic" code, "insemination"[artificial] and "cloning" experiment actually confirm God's authorship of man-"like Us and resemble Us" [Gen. 1:26].
The "secondhand smoke" theory is another misleading theory of our time. For sure, many believe it as the "gospel truth" because men of science are its proponents and expectedly, many may be filing suits against the tobacco factories for producing the dreaded "cancerous smoke" and the worst, scenario would be: many tobacco firms may be ordered to pay by the courts because of this " questionable " smoke theory, which no existing lymphatic system of any man on earth can support of.
Proponent believes that this theory is the most "unscientific theory" ever conceived by the men of science. How could passive smoking be dangerous than the direct smoke of the smokers? Besides all medical books of science believe in the exchange of gas in the lungs and in this process, it is biologically, impossible for any smoke to participate in such exchange. Only oxygen can enter the lungs and no other via gas exchanges. Unfortunately, smoke and other polluted matters cannot participate in this biological process known as scientifically, as "exchange of gas."
This gas exchanges in the human body that excludes any polluted elements, including smoke, is an admitted phenomenon. In religion the basis of gas exchanges is God's breath of life:. As Giver of life, the Holy Bible [NAB Catholic Version] reads:
"The Lord God formed man out of the clay of
the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life,
and so man became a living being" [Genesis 2:7].
Passive smoking cannot pass the biblical rigidity of Genesis 2: 7 that only oxygen enters man's body. And smoke is not a carrier of oxygen ;hence, incapable to "liquefy" and actively participate in the gas exchanges in the respiratory system.
Praise the Lord for this revelatory truth!
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