As elsewhere stated and emphasized, that science merely confirms the works[Creation] of God, it is the treatise of the author that the scientific and medical term "lymphatic system [immune] system" confirms actually God's creation of the universe and the creation of man.
First, Adam the first man created by God, and the father of the whole human race [ Genesis 1:26-27; 2,9]. God made his body from the slime of the earth and breathed into it an immortal soul; and placed him in a Garden in Eden.[Genesis 2:7-8] He gave him dominion over all animals and brought before him to name. God created Eve ["cloned" in our modern time] from the "rib "of the sleeping Adam[Genesis 2:17-24].The first created man and woman of course had lymphatic system in their body for their protection, existence, survival and procreation.
The presence of the lymphatic system [natural immunity] in every human being from Adam to the present, irrespective of race and color confirms that there is only one author of man- God Himself and all human beings, past and present are traceable to the first man, Adam. Science has yet to produce a man without an "immune system." Incidentally, all living things, animals and plants have equivalent counterpart to this system-lymphatic system; however, with some difference.
Second, In the biblical narrative, the difference between man and other creatures is shown above all by the fact that only the creation of man is presented as the result of a special decision on the part of God, a deliberation to establish a particular and specific bond with the Creator: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"[Genesis, 1:1-26 ]. The life which God offers to man is a gift by which God shares something of Himself with His creature. The Book of Sirach too recognizes that God, in creating human beings, "endowed them with strength like his own, and made them in his own image."[ Sirach 17:3].The Biblical author sees as part of this image not only man's dominion over the world but also their spiritual faculties which are distinctly human, such as reason, discernment between good and evil and free will: "He filled them with knowledge and understanding and showed them good and evil."[Sirach 17:6]. The ability to attain truth and freedom are human prerogatives inasmuch as man is created in the image of his Creator. God who is true and just.
Man alone among all visible creatures is "capable of knowing and loving his Creator."[Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World in Gaudium et. Spes, 12;]. The life which God bestows upon man is much more than mere existence in time. It is a drive towards fullness of life; it is the seed of an existence which transcends the very limits of time. "For God created man for incorruption and made him in the image of his own eternity."[Wisdom 2:23].
Scientifically, the "likeness of man to God" is maintained by a certain "genetic code". The existence of that genetic code ruled out any "variation" or "mutancy" of any God's creation during their respective "procreation". The lymphatic system is tasked to maintain the needed genetic code and destroy any erratic cell[deviating from the genetic code].
Third, The creation of all living things[with life] out of nothing in the beginning of time is continued by procreation of that living things in our time- thru evolutional development of one cell/seed/egg. What exists today were God's creation in the beginning of time. Life is one of them. The "key" from creation to procreation of man and all living things is the lymphatic system [or its equivalent in animals/plants]. This system is the "connecting link" from creation to procreation which is the very "missing link" [of man's ancestor]sought for years by men of science. Science misses this missing ["connecting" ]link in their medical/scientific books. Thru it [ lymphatic system] the continuity of all living things created are made possible without variance and without differentiation as they were yesterday. "God did not make death, and He does not delight in the death of the living. For He created all things that they might exist.[Wisdom 1:1314].
Fourth, One of the purposes of the lymphatic system in man's body confirms that God is not the source of sickness .He gives man good health and healing at the beginning of time thru this system. During Jesus' earthly sojourn He performed many healings to show His great concern for man's bodily life. The mission of Jesus, with the many healings he performed, shows God's great concern even for man's bodily life."[St. Ignatius of Antioch, Letter of the Ephesians, 7,12 Parres Apostilici, F.X. Funk, 11,82;]. Jesus as the "physician of the body and spirit, was sent by the Father to proclaim the good news to the poor and to heal the broken hearted [cf. Luke 4:18; Is. 61:1] Later, when he sends his disciples into the world he gives them a mission, a mission in which healing the sick goes hand in hand with the proclamation of the Gospel: "And preach as you go, saying, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand! Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons [Matthew 10:7-8; Mark 6:13; 16:181].
Fifth, Man is a co-worker with God in transmitting his image to a new creature. The lymphatic system kills invading cells. It kills its own [erratic or destructive cells] in the body. It makes the mother's womb safe for the developing cell[fetus] in the womb during its pregnancy[evolutional development]. The mother's womb is the safest place and for this, Christ first made Virgin Mary's womb for nine months the "temple of the Holy Spirit."[2 Corinthian 6:16]. But sad to say, nowadays, many modern mothers do not value their role as procreator of human life and regrettably, they made their "protective "wombs the tombs of their unborn children.
Sixth, The "historical" birth of Christ is the Good News - "I Corinthians 4:16; 6:19] bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord."[Luke 2:10-11]. The " life was made manifest and we saw it" [1 John 1:2] ; with our gaze fixed on Christ, "the Word of life."[John 1:29-30] "Christ is the image of the invisible God."[Col. 1:15 ]. He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature.[Hebrew 1:3 ]. He is the perfect image of God the Father.
Finally, life and death is not within man's decision so any type of murder, genocide, abortion, euthanasia, or willful self-destruction cannot be legally and morally justified. Jesus said: "I am the resurrection and the life...whoever lives and believes in me shall never die" [John 11:25-26].
The causal patterns mentioned in proponent's books and summarized articles deserve to be tested, verified and examined by men of science. This request and recommendation is made for the revealed causal patterns are not of ordinary diseases but diseases with no known cause and cure from scientific point of view.
The causal patterns are recommended for scientific testing and verification because they would likely simplify recurring diseases of our time due to the "lesion" [i.e., obstructions of passage] of the two bodily systems: the circulatory system and the immune system.
The pointed causal patterns are already present in the children. So their early removable or correction [ie., realignment] may prevent cancer and other recurring diseases.
The causal patterns are detectable, preventable and predictable. For the moment, no special machine is necessary. Manual or finger touch may suffice. The "electrifying pain" felt by the sufferer is the answer to the discerning/diagnostic touch. The expected pain may be caused by trauma or schemia of the tissues for lack of blood flow. By touching the areas of the causal patterns it is easy to predict whether one is prone to cancer or not. Or whether the child may eventually suffer in the near future the recurring diseases of our time: migraine, arthritis, angina, diabetes, allergy, polio, dengue, etc.
Incidentally, a mild bone misalignment at the back seems to affect the nervous system. It has been a pattern for those retarded people, to people who suffered nervous breakdown, to those suffering with nerve , nervous disorders, addiction, suicidal and criminal tendencies. This phenomenal pattern prompted the author/proponent to make another book entitled: "Troubled Mind: A Misalignment or Hereditary?", 1996 Edition. p. 129
This is another area for testing and verification by science. If found to be true- to be merely a bone misalignment- then our attitude toward people with troubled mind is no longer shame and fear because there is no "unwanted gene" in the family. No more fear of rejection. No more fear of pregnancy... No more closets, .. disappearance or abandonment of the afflicted. Love will then prevail.... Proponent's healing books/articles are not medical books/articles. Neither is it healing by itself because spiritual [divine] healing belongs to Him , our Lord and our personal Savior. This is an apostolate and evangelizing book /articles to give "light to the world" by proclaiming the following: That God is the Creator of this world and the vast universe. That He is the sole Author of man. As such, He knows the confronting problems of man since creation up to this time. For He promised to be with us and for all generation. He provided man with natural healing[lymphatic/immune system] for his procreation[continuity] survival, existence and comfort. When pharmaceutical products were unheard of, man was made to rely on herbals around him . When physicians were unheard of, "hilot" was resorted to. Man succeeds and survives. We are the product of that continuity with no mutancy and variation- still in the" likeness of our Creator." Science, however, of our time antiquated both hilot and herbal.
God knows that the present generation [ "I know you before you were born"] will be more independent of Him. He is being replaced wrongly by science and technology.
Men rely more and more on science and in the process ousting Him and forgetting Him to be the original Author of science and medicine [Sirach 38:4-8]. Bible merely a "fiction", science book, a reality and held to be repository of truth. Religion is separable from science and the justifying reason is: "Render unto Caesar, what is to Caesar, to God, what is to God." ["mind your own business"].
We never learn the will of God and the things loathsome to Him [i.e "playing god"]. Man first sinned when he wanted to be like god and so we inherited the Adamic sin. Men sinned when they wanted to reach Him in heaven by building the Tower of Babel and many more biblical situations of "usurping god."
Recently , men of science like their predecessors also play gods by introducing new pad in science: "genetic engineering." They intervened in procreation by preventing it [i.e.. contraceptives, abortion or changing menstrual period, etc.] or by introducing artificial methods[test tube fertilization]. The first is justified on the pretext of saving the world from the catastrophe of over-population. And second, they claimed they can choose "better sperms" ;hence, proliferation of the sperm banks. They give man the right to decide his life and death by legalizing euthanasia. They replaced body parts by transplantation and of course at the expense of the immune system., being bombarded with drugs neutralizing their destructive effects on the "grafted or transplanted parts. " God preserves "genetic code". Man defy "genetic code" by introducing body parts of other person in a "unique body of man."
Man arrogates to himself the right to decide life and death. He decides what is good and what is evil., not in God's standard but in his own human standard with "convenience", his guiding principle.
This is a dangerous trend. A usurping and revolutionary action of man against his Creator. Revolutionary to God's plan , intention and salvation.
Alarm by this situation, Pope John Paul II in his famous work- "Evangelium Vitae" [Gospel of Life] made the following comments: ""It is at the heart of the moral conscience that the eclipse of the sense of God and of man, with all its various and deadly consequences for life, is taking place. It is a question, above all, of the individual conscience, as it stands before God in its singleness and uniqueness. But it is also a question, in a certain sense, of the "moral conscience of society": in a way it too responsible, not only because it tolerates or fosters behavior contrary to life, but also because it encourages the "culture of death", creating and consolidating actual "structures of sin" which go against life. The moral conscience, both individual and social, is today subjected, also as a result of the penetrating influence of the media, to an extremely serious and mortal danger: that of confusion between good and evil, precisely in relation to the fundamental right to life.
A large part of contemporary society looks sadly like that humanity which Paul describes in his Letter to the Romans. It is composed "of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth" [Romans 1:18]; having denied God and believing that they can build the earthly city without him., "they became futile in their thinking" so that "their senseless minds were darkened" [1:21]; "claiming to be wise, they became fools" [1:11], carrying out work deserving of death, and "they not only do them but approve those who practice them" [1:32]. When conscience, this bright lamp of the soul [cf. Mt. 6:22-23] calls "evil good and good evil" [Is. 5:20], it is already on the path to the most alarming corruption and the darkness moral blindness." [Evangelium Vitae, pp. 42-43].
Man by natural order of things should help preserve nature and prevent pollution and destruction to his own ecology and environment to enhance his very own survival and that of others; yet there is still hope in this polluted world- the effective use of the natural healing of man [the immunity system] , the acknowledgement of God's anti-pollutants - living pollutants [i.e., plant kingdom] and non-living pollutants [sunlight, rain, gravity and wind] and above all, God's Divine healing for nothing is impossible for Him [Luke 1:37].
We should take care and protect the free, and universal gift[immunity]. of God to all mankind, If it fails him, we should pray also for God's Divine healing.
However, Divine healing requires highest degree of spirituality and therefore with limited coverage, on the part of the recipients, on the part of His chosen instruments and on His own part- His decision... His time for no man could manipulate Him.
In short, very few can avail Divine Healing. However, humanization of divine healing [counterpart in the normal healing to assist natural healing of man] may increase coverage both on the recipients and on the normal healers and helpers. Effective drugs and therapeutic procedures may be produced and standardized in the medical world.
These causal patterns revealed during healing sessions are the visualization of the invisible Divine healing of God. It showed how God heals and what are the parts being healed so that men of science can humanize the Divine healing for all people of the world. The men of science should heed His words: "I am the way, the truth and the life."[John 14:6].
Virgin Mary showed us the way... How she cared and reared Jesus personally, with greatest love and affection. She showered Him with love and protected Him from all harm and injuries.
Are the modern mothers following her ways? The incurable defects of the children today that make them prone to suffer cancer and other recurring diseases is it the "mute" proof that our modern parents used the other way ?
There is always a time to change our ways. For there is a time for everything and the best time is that of the Lord. There are many ways in conducting our lives: other's way, my way and God's way. The latter is best way to follow because of the reward awaiting for all Christians... Jesus said:
"If you obey the commandments of the Lord, your God which I command you this day, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his ordinances, then you shall live... therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live. Loving the Lord Your God, obeying his voice and cleaving to him, for that means life to you and length of days...." [ Dt. 30, 16: 19-29]
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