The Misalignment theory of Divine healing has observed that autism is not hereditary for no disease is hereditary under the Misalignment theory of the Divine healing because God, definitely, is not maker of defective children. Accordingly, autistic and special children have one common defect- the presence of a misaligned back [level between left scapular bone and the spinal column].
This misalignment may have obstructed the flow of blood that hampered, disturbed and perverted the physical, mental, sensory and emotional development of the child. However, the trouble with this area of misalignment discovered in the Divine Healing is quite confusing because it is common to all people with mental, spiritual, emotional and physical defects and ailments. Criminals, addicts and people with perverted feelings [i.e. homicidal, "mania"," phobia", bestial, violent, suicidal tendencies] sensations [deaf-mutism, deaf and dumb, etc.], nightly disorders [i.e., somnambulism, insomnia, "bangongot" sufferers, etc.] and "unusual" growth [i.e.,, dwarfism, gigantism] have this particular misalignment. Dimensional [i.e., seeing and hearing things and people of another dimension, prone to "demonic possession", etc.] mongoloid and retarded people have also this misalignment.
On the other hand, the plus side of this misalignment is these superior characteristics in some special misaligned people. Thus, : faith healers [not divine], fortune tellers, card readers and people gifted with prophecy and visions [i.e., clairvoyance, clairaudience] have sported identical[back] misalignment. The foregoing, supported by copyrighted healing books [Atty. Ramirez, Sr. "Troubled Minds: Hereditary or Misalignment?", 1996 Edition pp.193,etc.] may be unprecedented and revolutionary to all but a fait accompli in Divine Healing being the end results of author's apostolate for the last 12 years, using realigning "Touch" as an alternative Spiritual healing.
Since misalignment is the probable cause of autism, so a timely and early realignment of the misaligned back of the autistic child may correct eventually, autistic tendencies.
Praise the Lord!
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