There are three (3) areas of misalignment in the left and right chests that may likely result in heart problems. The misalignment in the right upper torso [near sternum] results in angina pectoris; the misalignment in the left upper torso is common to sufferers of heart palpitation, heart infarction, murmuring heart, etc.; and the third misalignment in the upper left torso above the left nipple is common for those with high blood pressure or enlargement of the heart or may easily get tired [ i.e., could not pass the treadmill test] or with difficulty of breathing. Since a realignment prayer in Jesus name is the simplistic cure, so the humanizing treatment is surgical realignment in the three (3) affected areas.
The misalignment in the ribs immediately under the left/right armpits may result in lung ailments[i.e. bronchi, pulmonary, pneumonia, pleurisy, emphysema, chronic cough, colds, sputum, TB (Tuberculosis)],etc. In case of lung cancer, this misalignment is coupled with another dreadful misalignment in the left or right armpit.
A mild realigning touch or prayer in Jesus name is the spiritual treatment so a corrective surgical realignment is the suggested humanizing treatment in the affected areas.
The misalignment in the sternum[breastbone] is causing asthma, triggered by the colds, or phlegm generated by another misalignment [i.e.,the immediate rib/s under the armpit/s]. If this triggering misalignment is absent, the asthma is dormant. It seems when the colds/sputum/ phlegm is present at the sternum area there is a confusing movement: either to go down to the stomach by peristaltic movement or to go up by expectorating movement. Removal of phlegms or sputum either by forcible coughing or with the aid of aerosol is a relieving factor. A prayer for realignment or mild touch in the sternum[breastbone] area is the divine cure; hence, the humanizing treatment is corrective surgical realignment in the affected area[sternum].
This misalignment in the side rib affects the peristaltic movement. Normally, its movement is faster when there are more to digest and may slow down when nothing to digest. This misalignment tends to abnormalize it; hence, its faster movement results in ulcer cases and its slower movement in diarrheal cases. Moreover, this misalignment may make one prone to infections in the digestive [stomach, intestines, liver] and excretory system [kidney, urinary , anus, etc.] If cancer occurs in any part of the system, i.e., renal in the kidney and unwanted stones [gall, kidney, bile, etc.] growth or shrinkage, then, this misalignment is coupled with another dreaded misalignment- the misaligned left or right armpit. Since its divine cure is realignment in Jesus name so the suggested humanizing treatment should be a surgical realignment.
The long search for carpal syndrome has ended with the discernment of the misalignment in the shoulder ball joint ,[right, left or both] which is the "culprit" of this type of syndrome - i.e., all arthritis in the upper limbs[hands, arms].Those with gout, osteo -arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis have this humeral misalignment. Incidentally, people with this misalignment are prone to be paralyzed following any mild or serious strokes.
The misalignment at the back [ left or right scapular bones] is common to those who are suffering from varicose, arteriosclerosis, osteo-arthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis in the hips, legs, knee [bursitis], and toes joints. The Divine healing is mild touch or prayer over in Jesus name on the affected areas. So the corresponding humanizing treatment should be corrective humeral/scapular realignment.
The misalignment located in the left ninth (9th) rib of the body is common to sufferers of allergy. Its counterpart rib- i.e., the right ninth (9th) rib is common to those who have diabetes. Since the Divine healing is mild touch or a pray over in Jesus name in the affected 9th ribs [left for allergy, right of diabetes], so the humanizing treatment is surgical realignment in the affected ribs.
Misalignment or mild dislocation between the level of the sternum [breast] and the left nipple is common to people suffering obesity. People [overweight] with this misalignment has tendency to take more food and drink that is required because they do not feel any satisfaction. They feel always hungry. The divine cure is realignment in Jesus name so a corrective surgical realignment in that area is suggested for humanizing purpose of the sufferers of the obesity problem. Back pain, spinal column problems, scoliosis, sciatica in the leg or electrifying/needle pain in the feet are being caused by damaged discs in the spine, or inflamed or strained muscles resulting in bad habits of lifting and carrying heavy things. Its Divine healing is to require patient to stand erect and to make bodily turn- clockwise or counter-clockwise with steady feet for possible column or pelvic realignment. As observed the spinal column or back pain problem is counter-clockwise movement and pelvic problem is clockwise and a twisting movement has both problems.
The misalignment in the left or right humerus [armpit] or at times, left or right groin is responsible to cancer and HIV-AIDS feared globally by all. Fear grips everyone because the first divine gift- the immunity system has not been appreciated by science in the approach of cancer. In Divine healing cancer and HIV-AIDS are both immunological problems. The problem is not in the immunity system, because this system cannot be weakened, destroyed, or be treated because it is itself indestructible, irreplaceable and non-curable.
All diseases are curable by the immunity system. The immunological problem is not a case of a destroyed or weakened immune system but a very potent immune system incapable, however, of passing to the needed or affected areas. Total impassability results in "oncogenesis"- i.e., vital or non-vital organs not able to receive the protective, reparative or disposal activities of the lymphatic system. Cancer cases are erroneous replacement cells arising from the reparative phatogenic activity of the immune system. Another immunological problem is the "unbalanced" production of the blood cells [white, red corpuscles and platelets, i.e., leukemia] or unwanted growth of normal tissue cells as in the case of hernia. People who have this misalignment are prone to suffer cancer cases [i.e. cyst, mayoma, tumor, etc.] or any viral diseases [i.e. ,leprosy, polio, meningitis, hepatitis, dengue, typhoid, etc.] unwanted growth defying DNA [genetic] such as toxic goiter, appendicitis, cirrhosis, prostrate gland problem, "stones"[i.e.,in the gall, kidney, bile, etc.] or uncontrolled shrinkage in kidneys, lungs, or severe bodily pains [i.e., dysmenorrhea] and other "infectious" pain. Under misalignment theory no virus is actually "drug-resistant" but it is case of the "absence of contact" due to impassability of the affected bodily area. If lymphocytes could not pass, so do with the drugs invented or manufactured by the men of science.
A single "seed has to die" to produce another plant and someday to bear more fruits. Infection under the immune system should not be feared, as a rule, because only by infection and immune's counter-reparative process that immunity [i.e.. antidotes ] is earned preventing any recurrence, thereafter. NO INFECTION, NO IMMUNITY. Man made medicine against a particular virus has one disadvantage: there may be cure by way of assistance to the immunity system but no immunity is attained to so recurrence is expected. By availing Divine healing, a prayer for realignment in Jesus name of the affected armpit or groin is the cure for cancer and AIDS. Correspondingly, the suggested humanizing treatment is correctible surgical realignment in the armpit/groin This misalignment between the level of the left scapular bone and the spinal column is a very serious misalignment affecting not only bodily growth and development but also development or perversion of the higher faculties of man: his intellect, senses, reasoning, feelings and behaviors. The discovery of this misalignment may probably settle the issue whether diseases are hereditary or not; whether they are genetic or merely acquired. The presence of this misalignment seems to set aside the hereditary theory of diseases. More importantly, undesirable, abnormal and perverted feelings and behaviors [i.e., too -much jealousy, too-much fear, phobias, traumatic ,bestial, maniacal, ,homicidal, suicidal, etc. feelings and tendencies,] perverse intellectual activities [i.e., poor memory, poor perception, etc.] are observed to have this misalignment. People with nightly disorders, insomnia , somnambulism, dreamers, clairvoyance, etc. are having this misalignment. Distorted growth [i.e. gigantism, dwarfism, clubbed limbs ] may be the result of this mild misalignment with dreaded effects.
Retarded and special children [i.e., deaf-mutism, blindness, autism, mongoloid, imbecile, etc.] has this misalignment. Most addicts have this misalignment for this misalignment make them prone to addiction- in smoking, drinking and drugs. Worst scenario for addicts is their being prone to nervous breakdown or to demonic infestation.
Moreover, in the spiritual field people with this observed misalignment are prone to dimensional encounter- seeing, sensing, and encountering the third kinds- the non-earthly matters. Most charismatics gifted with the divine gifts of prophecy or vision [ 1 Cor. 12:1-12] is having this misalignment. Faith healers, fortune tellers, card readers, people those experiencing clairvoyance, clairaudience, with ESP [Extra Sensory Perception], with "sixth sense", with OBE [out of the body experience],or encountering horrorible sightings/paranormal experiences have this misalignment. This phenomenon tends to tag them "spiritually" as the human radio ,televisions and computers of our time.
A prayer for realignment in Jesus name of the pointed defects is the divine cure so a surgical realignment in that affected area is also the humanizing treatment.
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