A. Allergy
Term. The term "allergy" refers to body reaction to anything [allergens] that is abnormally sensitive to many things- i.e., pollen, dust, animal fur, food, drugs, etc. Symptoms. The symptoms are varied ranging from streaming eyes [runny, itchy eyes], headaches, cough and sneezing, rashes and skin irritation, wheezing asthma, hay fever, etc. Treatment. Medical prescription of medicines, creams, nose drops or bronchodilators to treat various bodily reactions. Acupuncture has been made an alternative medicine. Spiritual Healing. Pray over or laying of hands.
Misalignment Theory and Charismatic observation. The author has observed during his personally conducted healing session that those suffering with allergies of all kinds have one thing in common: mild bone misalignment at the left rib[ the left ninth rib]. Incidentally, the other side, mild misalignment in the right 9th rib is causing the dreaded -diabetes.
The author suspects that there might be blood vessel/autoregulator of blood circulation affected by the mild bone misalignment resulting in the metabolic malfunctioning in the processing of the reactions of several allergens presence in the body.
Misalignment Theory :Requested testing or verification by science may unfold the mystery. Being a "syndrome" medically all treatment are for "past tense"- to treat the effects of allergy, not preventing its occurrence. If it is in the food and other environmental factors why others can take it, not you/me. So the defect is not in the food or any environmental factor but in the person; hence, the mild bone misalignment [ 9th rib] of the sufferer is the prime suspect.
Alternative Spiritual Healing. Mild touch and a prayer in Jesus' name for the alignment of the 9th rib[left side].
B. Diabetes
Nature. It is a form of metabolic disorder when the pancreas gland situated behind the stomach fails to produce enough insulin- the hormone
that regulates sugar level. The disorder stems from the way the body processes carbohydrates, which you take in through food. Normally, these foods are converted into a form of sugar called glucose, which float along in the bloodstream until the pancreas, a large gland located behind the stomach goes into action. The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that signals body cells to soak up the glucose. Once inside the cell, the glucose is either used to produce heat or energy or is stored as fat.
Accordingly, a person with diabetes produces little or no insulin or else become resistant to the hormone's action . Either way, the glucose cannot get into the cells; it accumulates in the blood and is later expelled in the urine. In short, blood sugar rises while cells starve.
Level of
Diabetes. Considering the symptoms diabetic types are either:
Level I diabetes. Some of the early warning signs of Type 1 diabetes are:
(1) Frequent urination accompanied by unusual thirst.
(2) Extreme hunger;
(3) Rapid weight loss with easy tiring, weakness and fatigue.
(4) Irritability, nausea and vomiting.
Second, Level II diabetes- some of the early warning signs for Type II diabetes are:
(1) Frequent urination accompanied by unusual thirst;
(2) Blurred vision or any change in sight;
(3) Tingling or numbness in the legs, feet, or fingers;
(4) Frequent skin infection or itchy skin;
(5) Slow healing of cut and bruises;
(6) Drowsiness;
(7) Vaginitis in women; and
(8) Erectile dysfunction in men.
Complications made this disease serious and the known complications are:
(1) Hypoglycaemia or lack of sugar with patient becoming sweaty and confused with rapid pulse;
(2) Blindness;
(3) Other complications such as: kidney disease, blood vessel damage, infection, heart disease, nerve damage, high blood pressure, stroke, limb amputation, and coma may result. Cause. The cause is unknown medically[syndrome]. Some thought that insulin defect is due to viral infection or to be hereditary.
Treatment. Controlled diet on "sweet foods." When serious insulin intake or insulin injection being given/administered.
Misalignment Theory :Charismatic Observation. Those suffering from diabetes have one thing in common: mild bone misalignment in the right ninth [9th] rib. Many are healed by mild touch and prayer in Jesus name. Among others, are: Perla Savaleon, head of the Charismatic Healing Ministry St. Joseph Parish [Tagbilaran City]., The late ex-Fiscal Felix Barral suffering blindness due to diabetic problem[who recovered full vision following a mild touch of his floating rib last April 11, 1996] but he died on April 27, 1996 of cardiac arrest [heart ailment] which he also suffered; author's mother [ Patrocenio Vilbar vda. De Ramirez], had no more allergy and diabetes but she had not recovered her eyesight a [diabetic complication]; however, last June 14,1996 she died of "old age" [81years old].
Spiritual Healing. The usual Pray over and laying on of hands and the alternative spiritual healing- touch with prayer in Jesus' name on the realignment of the ninth [9th] rib[right side].
C. Stomach Acidity [Hyper-acidity]
Term. This is known as "hyper-acidity. It has reference to regurgitation of acid or partly digested food from the stomach.
Conventional Treatment: The conventional treatment is avoidance of polluted atmosphere, when severe, oxygen and antibiotics being prescribed or administered by the attending physician.
Conventional Healing: Conventional and spiritual healing on other diseases such as asthma, angina, etc. may be used.
Misalignment Theory and Suggested Approach: Realignment of the mild bone misalignment situated in the left colar bone three inches above the left nipple.
Alternative Spiritual Treatment. Realigning touch of faith and prayer in Jesus Name of the misaligned parts.
D. Ulcer Problem
Nature.- Medical term for a break in the skin of mucous lining of the gut or mouth that does not heal. They range from peptic ulcer, gastric [stomach] ulcer, duodeneal ulcers [small intestines] oaeshageal [gullet ulcers] small mouth ulcers and skin or legal ulcers.
Symptoms.- Recurrent upper abdominal pain and vomiting, black feces.
Conventional Treatment.- modern drugs, surgery and the use of gastrocope or endoscope.
Alternative Medicine.- Naturopathy and acupuncture.
Charismatic Healing. Prayer over or laying on of hands.
Misalignment theory.- Misaligned side ribs coupled with misaligned left or right armpit [if cancerous].
Alternative Spiritual Healing.-Realigning touch with prayer in Jesus Name at the causal area: misaligned or dislocated bone somewhere at the side ribs. Identical causal pattern for diarrhea, hemorrhoids/weak kidney.
Causal for Scientific Testing and Verification. Tumor [benign or malignant] and cysts in any part of the body, digestive system, respiratory system, etc. is caused per charismatic observation by the mild misalignment in the humerus [armpit]. For further discussion of this topic see other works relative to cancer cases because cancer cases are anti-genetic and immunological problems created by lesion resulting from misalignment [misaligned armpit/groin.].
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