"Peace with God" [Luke 2:14;Romans 15:1] is achieved by our unconditional love, trust and faith in Him. However, fear does not come from God.
"Do not be afraid" was the angel's message 2000 years ago to Zechariah on Elizabeth's conception [Luke 1:13] to Mary's annunciation [Luke 1:26], to Joseph taking Mary as his wife [Matthew 1:20] and to the shepherds of Bethlehem on the Savior's nativity [Luke 2:10]. "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body"[Luke 11:4]. But "fear God who has authority to throw into hell"[Luke 11:5].
Contrasting, the scientific/medical world and other allied fields- nutritionists, therapists, etc. have generated "fear" indiscriminately, to all peoples of the world of the dangers of their environment and the foods they are eating. Food according to their studies causes arthritis, obesity, allergy, cancer and diabetes. This is known as the "health scare" and the "food scare" of our times.
To dispel such danger, we have now "genetically engineered", industrial and manufactured food flooding the market-ie., non-fat, non-cholesterol, artificial sugar, etc. in lieu of the natural [God's procreated] food.
Not to be outdone, the agriculturists and the herbalists, countered about the dangers of the chemicals/side-effects/cancerous effects of the "genetically engineered", industrial/ manufactured food/ medicine in the market.
Are health and food scare real? Is it superseding and questioning the biblical passages and assurance of Jesus that it is not the food that makes man a person "unclean" but that what comes from his mouth [Matthew 15:19;Mark 7:14-23]?
The Misalignment theory rebuts and refutes all those health and food scare. In reality, it is not the food that causes diseases but the inner defects[misalignment]in man. It is the misalignment in some special persons that is dangerous yet no one should fear it because it is preventable by good child care and correctible by realignment, once you have it. Fear not but trust God of His "saving" ways.
Additionally, the scientists/palentheologists citing the "conditions" of the past [i.e. "extinctive"Jurassic age] and the present day "hole"in the ozone layer[shield] are generating the fear of global warming and its eventual destructive effects.
Drought and flood are not new. The bible made mentioned about these catastrophic phenomena many times, by way of punishment of God's people for defying/disobeying Him.
The "extinctive jurassic condition" which was the basis of the global warming theory is not the condition of the Earth in this millennium. The earth is a better procreative and livable place for every God's creation. God's gift of healing [i.e. lymphatic system]to every man and Nature's[God's] effective and irreplaceable anti-pollutants: the rain, gravity, sunlight and winds-have assured continuity of life for everyone in this universe.
With these favorable/habitable conditions of the Earth, the much- feared "melting ice" as the result of global warming theory is not going to happen because in specific places either there is "heat but no ice to melt" or "there is ice but no heat to melt." There is no possibility of exchanging places - i.e., the polar zones [North Pole and South Pole] with vast supply of icebergs to be in the tropics. Likewise, there is no possibility for tropical Philippines to be in the polar unless renaming is resorted to i.e., North Pole is renamed the "Philippines" or vice-versa.
Let it be recalled that science got miserable beating in this millennium- the much-publicized disastrous effects of "Y2K" did not happen. The religious prophets of doom failed in their guesswork. The inerrancy of the Bible has been proven: "Nobody knows the time when this world will end. Only God the Father knows it" [Matthew 24:36;Luke 17:26-37;Mark 13:32].
Therefore, It is God that will end this world. In His own Way. In His time. On the other hand, the global warming is a scientific guesswork- science way of ending the world, so it is the other way and usually, the wrong way.
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