Water comprises the bulk of God's creation. They may be salty, fresh or polluted.
Both living kingdoms[animal and plants] need water.
Man has two sources of oxygen as his living breath: those coming from the plants by way of its expiration process and those from the water in gaseous form.
Actually, the life of man is not endangered by the maximum or minimum quantity of carbon dioxide/monoxide, smoke and other pollutants but the lack of oxygen in the air. These dreaded elements are needed by the plants and the plants do not die by more oxygen in the air but lack of carbon dioxide. With this phenomenal observation, present day clean air laws and other environmental laws in the world are seemingly questionable in wisdom and propriety.
Both plants and animals need water for subsistence/body conditioning/excretion. Since waters are vital to man, waters that sip to the ground are preserved by earth water's tables after undergoing nature's filtering process for man's use. Since stagnant waters are likely to be polluted, open waters [lakes, rivers, sea, ocean] are cleansed from polluted matters by earth's anti-pollutants: rain,wind, gravity and sunlight. Liquidified toxic, polluted and poisonous matters are dispersed, neutralized and distributed by two basic laws of nature: One, for fresh waters of the springs, rivers, lakes and brooks by the rainfall, occasional flood, and water level [i.e., made water to flow to its respective level]. Two, for the salty water it is subject to sea level, so its dispersal movement/current being done by the waves[winds] and earth's tidal movement [i.e, affected by lunar gravity].
Replacement of fresh waters and the dwindling water tables are undertaken by the rain with the wind serving as its efficient distributor. Places with big reservoir of water tables must share their waters with those who have none, after all, replacement is always available by the rain soonest. Or shall we waste the rainfall replacement by letting it go to the sea and be salty because of the refusal of some to share their unused waters?
Finally, if the sun through its sunlight fails its task as anti-pollutant of viral, toxic, polluted and poisonous matters, man's FIRE is the best answer because fire kills and destroys all.
But why burning of the waste is now punishable? Can there be "burning" without smoke? Is "smoke" more dangerous than burning fire/smoking? Is science ready to expunge their long- established "exchange of gases" in favor of this unprecedented,unproven, new and revolutionary theory of science [i.e. clean air theory, passive smoking theory] that the "aerifying" smoke is preposterously, capable of "liquefying" and therefore "qualified" in entering the human lungs?
Man in God's likeness deserves true, not false answers and theories from our relied scientific men.
Good is All-Knowing!
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