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          The captioned query should be answered in the affirmative to only special type of people- those with MISALIGNED ARMPIT.

          Cancer is an immunological error in the curative activity/function of the immune system of man where the replacement cells for the damaged original cells just happen to be erroneous and cancerous cells.

          Presently, science's theory is that cancerous cells are "genetic", not replacement cells. This is the basic distinction between the Genetic theory of cancer by science and that of Misalignment theory of Divine healing which considers cancer to be "anti-genetic" replacement cells. Basically and fundamentally, wrong theory invites wrong solution. Naturally, correct solution comes from correct theory.

          Under the Misalignment theory of the Divine healing cancer cells are replacement cells, never genetic cells because every creation of God for procreation is good and wholesome [Solomon 1:14].


          First, when certain cells of the aligned people are being damaged due to various infections, direct injuries, wounds, incisions following any medical surgery, replacement cells are inevitably produced as part of the reparative and curative process [termed scientifically as "phatologic renegeration" process], of the immune system. Since the immune system is the keeper, implementor and protector of God's genes- In His Likeness [Gen. 1:26] the replacement cells must have the perfect likeness of the original damaged cells, otherwise, the lymphatic [immune] system has to dissolve and replace them with correct replacement cells so that no cancerous cells would ever be introduced in the human body.

          Second, in case of misaligned people [with misaligned armpit] the replacement cells produced, due to such misalignment which affects, partially or totally,["lesion"] the passage of the immune system are erroneous and antigenetic and worst, the system could not correct the referred immunological error. If the anti-genetic replacement cells look almost like the original damaged cells, they are BENIGN NEOPLASM; however, if there is great variance ["anaplasia"] between the replacement cells and the replaced damaged parts, the anti-genetic cells are considered MALIGNANT NEOPLASM. These erroneous replacement cells whether benign or malignant introduced to the body due to such immunological error are commonly, identified as cysts, tumor, mayoma or mass of flesh.

          In Divine healing using realigning touch of faith, a prayer for realignment of the misaligned armpit results in miraculous[i.e, few minutes only], gradual [i.e., two days only] or natural disappearance or shrinkage of cysts, mayoma, etc. . The humanizing explanation of this divine phenomenon is this: since the immune system, as first God's gift of healing , makes every man healer of himself, his realigned armpit, naturally, makes his system " free and passable" already to correct the immunological error [anti-genetic cells it produced ] by dissolving the cyst,tumor,etc. ; hence, the "disappearing or shrinking act" of the cyst or tumor.

          Comparatively, we will analyze the scientific and medical approach/prevailing therapy to cancer cases[tumor and cysts].

          Since the anti-genetic error [cyts, tumor] could no longer be corrected or dissolved by "phagocytic action" of the immune system, the acceptable medical therapy is removal of cysts, tumor, etc. by surgical "operation" or "incision."

          If the cyst/tumor is the erroneous uncontrollable and anti-genetic cells introduced in the body why science has to include and remove the usable parts of the human body? Like in mastectomy, is the entire breast an erroneous part of a woman that should be removed totally?

          And if the erroneous cells [cysts, tumor] are removed by surgical operation or" incision" what is the medical justification to administer chemotherapy when the erroneous cells to be killed or destroyed are TOTALLY ABSENT in the body being already extracted by surgery? Is chemotherapy, radiation, cobalt, etc. capable of killing, destroying or realigning the misaligned hardened bones/tissues of the misaligned armpit? Wrong theory, wrong solution.

          Incidentally, the surgical "wounds" following any surgery or "incision" have to be healed [termed by science as "phatologic renegeration"] and the special people with misaligned armpit are expected again to suffer another immunological error, termed this time by science as "metastases" or they "metastasize"[spread]. Unfortunately, these anti-genetic errors are NEW not related whatsoever to the already extracted/operated cancerous cyst or tumor because it is another immunological error in the curative process of the wounds inflicted by the surgeon in removing such cysts/tumor.Science's theory of "metastases" [ i.e appearance of other cancerous cells] is subject therefore to appropriate review.

          However, it is unkind, unfair and unjust to blame the surgeons for the NEW cancerous cells developed in the "operated area" for they are the sole immunological errors of the operated people with misaligned armpit. While surgeons may successfully operate and extract the cancerous cells, they could not arrogate "healing" being an exclusive responsibility of the immune system of the operated person. Analogously, how can the government of some countries[i.e. U.S.A.] and the victims of cancer justify their suits against tobacco firms and other suspected polluting firms when none of the industrial/polluting firms are capable to produce cancer because cancer is a biological activity [immunological or anti-genetic error] of special person with misaligned armpit? Science errs. God, never.

          Emphatically, cancer victims could not blame others but themselves for introducing their own seeds of destruction - the cancerous cells in the their respective bodies which defied "God's likeness" [Genesis. 1:26] consequential to the "lesion" perpetrated by their misaligned armpits, which incidentally, were incurred /acquired by them in their youthful years [1 day to 3 years]due to sins [lack of love], pride and ignorance.

          Praise the Lord for this enlightenment!

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